Abbott Solutions, Inc.
Benefits Wellness Management
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Who We Are

Package Deals Can Be Messy! 

Worksite Wellness, Wellness Programs - Packaged Deals Can Be Messy!

Abbott Solutions, Inc., recognizes that "turn-key" or one-size fits all solutions do not always provide business with the best options.

Hiring the wrong insurance provider, vendor(s), or personnel on a piece-meal basis can create obsolete solutions or costly mistakes.


Abbott Solutions, Inc., starts with your employees' own wellness quiz and provides your organization with customized solutions, including evaluating and selecting health care benefits and vendors that will...

  • decrease health care cost.
  • decrease absenteeism.
  • improve productivity.
  • and engage employees in managing their own health.
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What is Corporate Wellness?

What is Workplace or Corporate Wellness?

Workplace Wellness is defined as:

An organized employer-sponsored program that is designed to support employees (and sometime, their families) as they adopt and sustain behaviors that reduce health risks, improve quality of life, enhance personal effectiveness, and benefit the organization's bottom line. as defined by Leonard L. Berry, Ann M. Mirabito, and William B. Baum in What's the Hard Return on Employee Wellness Programs? Harvard Business Review. Dec. 2010 pp 1-9.

What is Health Promotion?

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health promotion as the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions.

  • When providing wellness programming, health promotion defines the basic marketing and promotion of risk reduction health programs. These health programs are grounded in the disciplines of social marketing, health communication, business marketing and use of incentives that address consumer health "needs" and customer "wants".

Health promotion/wellness programs Defined

  • Health promotion programs focus on those areas that can impact and individual's health. These include:
    • Increasing health behaviors.
    • Improving social and economic conditions.
    • Improving physical environments.
    • Providing clinical care.

  • Example of programs include but are not limited to:
    • Risk reduction.
    • Nutrition and exercise.
    • Stress management.
    • Health coaching.
    • Marketing.
    • Communications.
    • Incentives.

  • Wellness however is based upon a holistic approach that requires individual transformation delivered through focusing on the 7 dimensions of wellness: Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Career, Environmental and Social.

What is the Health Care Continuum Concept?

  • Introduction to the Health Care Continuum Concept was started In 1970,.by John W. Travis, M.D., MPH. He envisioned the idea for the Illness-Wellness Continuum that placed "wellness" in a revolutionary new context and bridged health and human potential. This early health continuum model bridged the relationship between wellness, medically driven treatment models and high-level wellness.

Health Care Continuum
  1. Individuals moving from the center or neutral point to the left or treatment model moved to deteriorating states of health and finally premature death.
  2. Individuals moving to the right of center increased their levels of health and well-being through awareness, education and wellness growth.
  3. One of the core concepts of the continuum was that the Treatment Paradigm could only take individuals back to the neutral point, where the symptoms of disease have been alleviated. The Wellness Paradigm, which could be utilized at any point on the continuum, moved individuals toward higher levels of wellness.

  • In 2012, Eddington introduced a new Health Care Continuum Concept about which he stated: "Instead of aiming for a return to the status quo, a focus on positive health would move us beyond the status quo toward outcomes that exceed expectations. While risk reduction and health maintenance are noble, it is time to move the focus and efforts toward positive health potential through improved physical, mental and social capabilities.".

Beyond Zero

Who is the Benefit professional?

In larger organizations, the benefit professional works more closely with decision makers to keep the business afloat. They may be or work closely with the Corporate Financial Officer (CFO). They make benefits design based upon real time data analysis, e.g. data mining, in terms of benefit design to save money. In smaller businesses, the benefit design may be done by human resources or outsourced to a broker. See:

Benefit vs. Human Resource Professionals.

Benefits are different in that they use an actuary approach in using numbers to evaluate the likelihood of future events, and designing creative ways to reduce or manage undesirable events. Benefits role is to "keep the business afloat". Human resources usually implements benefit plans, hires and motivates employees to perform at their best by exchanging rewards for performance. See:

What is Productivity ROI?

Productivity measurement may provide a better link than disease management to corporate America's bottom line. Example: The Integrated Benefits Institute (IBI) is a pioneer, leader and nonprofit supplier of health and productivity research, measurement and benchmarking. See:

What is Value-based Health Care?

VBHC strives to remove barriers and align both financial and non-financial incentives and rewards for living healthy and productive lives by using prevention (population health), health enhancement strategies (internal policy, rewards and management support) and health care services (prevention and managed care).

Value-based Insurance Design

V-BID is an innovative approach that can improve clinical outcomes and contain costs. The basic premise of V-BID is to align consumer incentives with value by reducing barriers to high-value health services and providers ("carrots" or intrinsic motivation) and discouraging the use of low-value health services and providers ("sticks" or extrinsic motivation). When "carrots" are coupled with "sticks" in a clinically nuanced manner, V-BID improves health care quality and controls spending growth.

The concept of clinical nuance recognizes that:

  1. Medical services differ in the benefits provided.
  2. The clinical benefit derived from a specific service depends on the patient using it, as well as when and where the service is provided. See:

What is a Wellness Benefit Manager?

This new role combines skill sets of the benefit specialist and the wellness professional with the purpose integration of wellness into benefit design and of enhancing communication. See: Abbott Solutions

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What We Do

What Do We Do?

  • Abbott Solutions provides health management training, wellness program design and wellness planning for your corporate and employee wellness and health benefit plans.
  • Abbott Solutions provides employers objective, customized and cost effective solutions to reduce health care cost and improve productivity through partnering effective wellness programs with creative customized return on investment (ROI) strategies reflecting individual corporate needs and cultures.
We have one clear objective
  • We have one clear objective: To help you save time, resources and money by helping you pick the right health care benefits plan.
  • We provide impartial guidance and counseling on selecting value based health care and provide post enrollment assistance in understanding and using health coverage once purchased. We help you find the best fit of insurance provider(s), vendor(s), and/or personnel for your organization's comprehensive wellness plan.
  • Abbott Solutions, Inc., will assist in identifying client needs, and provides research to determine the best evidence-based practices that align with your employee base and budget. We provide impartial recommendations with practical solutions. We help you find answers to your company's questions about decreasing health care costs through instituting a comprehensive wellness plan prior to vendor solicitation.

We put an expert on your wellness management team!

  • We place an objective, impartial, seasoned professional on your management and wellness team.
  • We provide subject matter and professional resource information to help individual companies determine their needs, eliminate duplication of resources and clarify resistance to change prior to purchasing a vendor's packaged "fix".
Strategic and Comprehensive
  • We provide strategic wellness management systems to integrate wellness into corporate or organizational culture and increase ROI.
  • We help you create a comprehensive wellness program at the least cost.


Abbott Solutions, Inc.

Abbott Solutions, Inc., is a health care management consultant group that supplies strategic planning, operational management expertise, preparing research and responses to complex questions to help your management team understand how managing the costs of health care is the largest part of managing the cost of your business. Engaging management and employees in initial planning is best practice and essential in long term success.

Abbott Solutions, Inc., works as an outsource contractor to provide customized research and on-site consultation, evaluation, training and coaching as needed.

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Who We Work With

Who Do We Work With on Your Team?

  • C-suite executives and managers interested in reducing health care cost and Value Based Health Care Management.
  • Benefit decision makers, e.g., Health Benefit Analysts, Benefit Managers.
  • Human Resource and Training and Development.
  • Your internal communications and marketing department.
  • Your wellness team who designs the employee wellness program and delivers evidence - based programs.
  • Your health insurance providers, health insurance brokers, vendors and/or service suppliers.
  • Your data management system group and healthcare project management team.

Abbott Solutions, Inc. works with small business, corporate, and/or multi-employers, and for profit and nonprofit organizations.

...Even the grumpy one's!

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How We Do This

How Do We Do This?

  • We Build Bridges, We Share and Ask Critical Questions.
  • We bring expertise, resources in analysis, critical questions and organizational processes.

Examples include:

  • Sharing "free source" resources to identify alignment with best practice models, e.g. Value Based Health Care, WELCOA benchmarks, HERO Employee Health Management for corporate wellness programs.
  • Sharing professional research that companies may not have access to when making decisions for designing company wellness programs.
  • Conducting the Starter-Benefit/ Wellness Analysis (TM), e.g., which assesses integration of employee and corporate wellness plans with existing operations, e.g. current data systems, or abilities of internal communication departments to support wellness programming.
  • Surveying executives to determine comprehensive strategies in defining and developing or refining wellness programs to have broader influence on sustainable corporate culture.
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Getting Started

How Do We Get Started?

We use a Starter-Benefit/ Wellness Analysis Assessment (TM) that involves interviews, surveys, and review of current data systems.

We also provide an on-site visit with your management and wellness teams to assess current resources, evaluate and determine what is needed to develop a comprehensive strategic wellness plan.

We provide a comprehensive resource analysis and make recommendations to your management and wellness team. A comprehensive resource Value Based Health Care Management [VBHCM] analysis is available for organizations that desired to include cultural change. The VBHCM analysis also includes assistance with selection of supplier/vendor/partners. This includes development of a wellness management systems plan that provides for post enrollment assistance in understanding and using health coverage plans once purchased.

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Services: As a consultant, I specialize in VBHC/and Value Based Benefit Design:

  • Pre-planning to fully integrating wellness programs into the health benefits plan.
  • Provide a gap analysis: alignment of comprehensive wellness programs with business objectives, health care cost savings objectives and employee rewards.
  • Evaluate existing wellness plans; the pre-planning stages or programming, prior to selecting a vendor.
  • Re-evaluate existing wellness programs and make recommendations to align programs with cost saving strategies.
  • Assist with selection of a wellness program vendor and/or setting up accountability standards for them.
  • Speaking and/or training.

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Technical Services

Technical Wellness Services

7 Dimensions of Wellness Customization  We can provide customization options to meet your specific needs

  • Customized Question Sets
  • Customized Demographics
  • Raw Data Exports
  • Special Reports
  • Data Analysis

Website Development

  • We can assist you in building your own wellness website
  • We can provide assistance in choosing a hosting site
  • We can help you with any technical issues

Please contact  Walter Wright   (  with any questions.
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How Much Does it Cost?

How Much Does It Cost?

Example of Expense Analysis:

  • Consultant time: Includes a Starter-Benefit Wellness Analysis (TM) and an on-site visit and detailed final recommendations for approximately $5000, dependent on quality of data supplied.
  • Travel and Overnight Lodging: Includes one day on-site visit approximately $2500, location dependent.
  • Total estimate: $7500*.

*A more comprehensive resource analysis is required for Value Based Health Care Management that includes cultural change. Cost is dependent upon data available and ease of access. We then assist with selection of supplier/vendor/partners or develop a wellness management systems plan as appropriate and provide post enrollment assistance in understanding and using health coverage plans once purchased.

Speaking and Training:

Speaking fee beginning range: $2500/keynote and $4000 for key-note and 1/2 day workshop plus expenses.

All fees negotiable.

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How Will You Know When You Get There?

How Will You Know When We Get There?

Evaluation and Assessment:

You can decide if your team is ready to continue on your own, or you can contract with Abbott Solutions, Inc. to obtain additional consulting and training or to provide an on-going evaluation of plan designed to hold all parties accountable for engaging employees and evidenced based wellness programs.

                    Your Decide!
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Contact Form

Please select any options that apply.
Research Info

7 Dimensions of Wellness Research Opportunities

In 1990, the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point academic program in Wellness and Health Promotion created the 7 dimensions of wellness assessment under the direction of R. Anne Abbott, PhD. (Professor Emeritus of Health Promotion). The 7-dimension model was the first to include the environmental dimensions of wellness. Although the 7 dimensional model has been adapted and replicated around the globe, no research to determine validity or reliability has ever been published.

We are seeking transparency and support in proposing a Well-Being Study, Thanks you for your consideration!

If you would be interested in working with us please contact us.

Thank you,

R. A. Abbott
1351 Maple Ridge
Amherst Junction, WI 54407
Phone: 715-340-6493
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All material © Copyright 2012 and trademarked ® by Abbott Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Thank you for sending your message to Abbott Solutions!

We will try to respond to you withing the next few days.

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Assessment Plans

 Assessments for the individual
Free Individual Assessment
Close Individual Scores in Each Dimension

Free Individual Assessment


  1. Individual Report
  2. "7 Dimensions Survival" Certificate

Standard Individual Account
Close Individual Scores in each Dimension
Individual Scores in each Dimension Individual Scores Compared with Group Averages
Individual Scores Compared with Group Averages Individual Percentiles Compared with Group
Individual Percentiles Compared with Group

Standard Individual Account


  1. Individual Report
  2. General Guidelines for Making Healthy Changes
  3. Individual vs Group Comparison Report
  4. Individual Percentile Report
  5. Selected Consumer Resources
  6. Level I BYOWC Certificate
Pricing and Ordering

Advanced Individual Account
Close Individual Scores in each Dimension
Individual Scores in each Dimension Individual Scores Compared with Group Averages
Individual Scores Compared with Group Averages Individual Percentiles Compared with Group
Individual Percentiles Compared with Group Scores Time Tracking Report (Bar Graph)
Time Tracking Report (Line Graph) Time Tracking Report (Line Graph)
Time Tracking Report (Bar Graph)

Advanced Individual Account


  1. Individual can take up to 5 assessments over time
  2. Individual Report
  3. General Guidelines for Making Healthy Changes
  4. Individual/Group Comparison Report
  5. Individual Percentile Report
  6. Time Tracking Report comparing up to 5 results taken over time
  7. Selected Consumer Resources
  8. Level II BYOWC Certificate
Pricing and Ordering

Group Accounts for Employers, Teachers, Wellness Professionals, Trainers, Health Coaches. Wellness professionals, trainers and health coaches will find that offers complementary options to assist clients in taking the next steps for well being and that of transformation and insights into connection, consciousness and universal human values, a place in which one finds consistency in "head, heart and hands".
Professional Group Free Trial Account


  1. Ability to create and administer assessments to your own groups
  2. Group Aggregate Reports
  3. Group Comparison Reports
  4. Demographic Breakdown Reports
  5. Limit of 25 records for one month

Standard Professional Group Account
Close Group Scores in each Dimension
Group Scores in each Dimension of Wellness Group vs Group Scores
Group vs Group Comparison Group vs All Scores
Group Result vs All Results Work Category Breakdown
Work Categories Individual vs Group
Individual vs Group Scores Individual Percentile Scores vs Group
Individual Percentile Scores vs Group Scores Individual Percentile Scores vs All
Individual Percentile Scores vs All

Standard Group Account


  1. Ability to create assessment groups and administer assessments to your own groups
  2. Group Aggregate Reports
  3. Group Comparison Reports
  4. Demographic Breakdown Reports
  5. Advanced Ad Hoc Reporting
Pricing and Ordering

Close Group Scores in each Dimension
Group Scores in each Dimension Group vs Group Scores
Group vs Group Comparions Chart Group vs All Scores
Group Results vs All who have taken Assessment Work Category Breakdown
Work Categories Individual vs Group
Individual vs Group Scores Individual Percentile Scores vs Group
Individual Percentile Scores vs Group Scores Individual Percentile Scores vs All
Individual Percentile Scores vs All Time Tracking Report (Line Graph) Time Tracking Report (Line Graph)
Time Tracking Report (Bar Graph)

Advanced Group Account
Advanced Professional Group Account


  1. Ability to create and administer assessments to your own groups
  2. Ability to create time tracking groups
  3. Group Aggregate Reports
  4. Group Comparison Reports
  5. Demographic Breakdown Reports
  6. Time Tracking Reports available for individuals
  7. Advanced Ad Hoc Reporting
Pricing and Ordering

Consulting Services

Benefit Wellness Management

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All material © Copyright 2012 and trademarked ® by Abbott Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

About Us

What is Abbott Solutions

Abbott Solutions, Inc., is a health care management consultant group that supplies strategic planning, operational management expertise, preparing research and responses to complex questions to help your management team understand how managing the costs of health care is the largest part of managing the cost of your business. Engaging management and employees in initial planning is best practice and essential in long term success.

Abbott Solutions, Inc., works as an outsource contractor to provide customized research and on-site consultation, evaluation, training and coaching as needed: consulting, new ventures, expertise requests, and business resource.

Current projects include: Professional coaching, consulting, and on-line course development for wellness and benefit professionals desiring to incorporate value based health care management into health benefits and wellness plans.

What Clients Have to Say

  • "Abbott Solutions provides extraordinary insight and knowledge in asking all the right questions organizations need to consider when attempting changing their culture. Organizations often recognize a need and feel they need to bring in vendors to help educate them on potential solutions. Often an organization will bring in the vendors prematurely without a real understanding of their own internal culture and a vision of the end product. Abbott Solutions helps to identify an organizational culture and objectives to better facilitate the best outcome. With the extensive wealth of experience and ability to individualize their deliverables, Abbott Solutions prepares an organization to be well educated, informed and mindful when planning for change. Abbott Solutions has expertise in identifying the current organizational culture and helps position them in the development of meeting their new cultural objectives. Abbott Solution dives into asking the right questions, searching for the right answers and always delivering the right outcomes."
    -- JIM CASTELLANO, RN, Assistant Director, Health Services Security Health

  • "Thank you indeed for your excellent presentation at the recent 21st Annual National Health Benefits Conference & Expo (HBCE), in Clearwater Beach, FL. The participants found the Sessions to be extremely informative – yours was noted as one of the best by several attendees standing out in an all-star field. By all accounts and from many sources, it was considered a very successful Conference. We all very much appreciate your fine contributions to that success and it was a pleasure to meet you."
    -- Gene Eugene S. (Gene) Piatek, PhD, President Health Benefits Conference & Expo (HBCE).

  • "Dr. R.A. Abbott’s extensive knowledge and experience in the health care industry provides outstanding expertise for health care organizations. Be certain to take the opportunity to utilize the insight, vision, and vast resources she will bring to your organization."
    -- Fred Leafgren, PhD., Co-founder of the National Wellness Institute and Chairman Personality Resources International [ON] L3R5B4 Canada.

Past Clients Include

  • Security Health Insurance (WI).
  • Personality Resources International (Canada).
  • Duke Center of Living, Duke University (NC).
  • Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (PA).
  • St. Mary’s Hospitals in Troy NY, Duluth MN and CO.
  • Thoracic and Cardiovascular Institute (MI).
  • American Corporate Health Programs (PA).
  • Vantage (Polar) Monitors, Inc. (WI).
  • Heart Watchers International (CO).
  • Keene State College (NH).
  • St. Vital School Division (Canada).

Who is R. Anne Abbott, PhD.

R. Anne Abbott, PhD

R. Anne Abbott is the priniple owner and founder of Abbott Solutions, Inc. Abbott is an accomplished administrator, published author, and seasoned public speaker and facilitator. Abbott works with caring organizations that desire to successfully bridge efforts between multi-disciplined professionals in order to provide exceptional services to clients, consumers, and employees.

"I believe my life's work, my practice, has been to act as the bridge between good intentions and measurable outcomes, where people and community can make a difference and enhance health, wellness and the human capacity!"


Dr. Abbott is a Professor Emeritus in Health Promotion and Wellness at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, which was the first wellness and health promotion professional degree program in the country.

Since 1975, Anne’s life's work has been to successfully bridge efforts between multi-disciplined professionals in order serve students, patients and organizations. She has helped create four professions: Clinical Exercise Physiology, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Health Promotion/Health Protection (Safety). She currently is working to form trans-disciplinary the efforts between Wellness and Health Benefits.

She was one of the first Clinical Exercise Physiologists. She was editor of ACSM Guidelines 1975 and helped create the Certifications Process. As Founding Fellow of AACVPR, she helped create cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation program certifications. In Wellness and Health Promotion, she helped to establish the first competency based 7 dimensions of wellness model.

She was the recipient of NWI Leadership Award, and currently serves on the NWI Board of Directors and the Board of Experts for publication of The Exercise Standards and Malpractice Reporter.


  • Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh (1981). Exercise Science and Epidemiology.
  • M.S., Florida State University (1970). Exercise Science.
  • B.S., East Tennessee State University (1969). Physical and Health Education.

Additional Training, Certifications and Recognitions:

  • National Wellness Institute (NWI) Board of Directors (2013-2016).
  • International Foundation Education-Benefits-Compensation. Health Benefit Plan Basics, Choice Based Benefits, Health Care Cost Management - Certificate in Health Care Plans.(2013).
  • NWI Certified Worksite Wellness Program Manager (CWWPM).
  • Identity Mapping and The Four Ways System, Personality Resources International (PRI).
  • NWI Certified Wellness Practitioner (CWP)./
  • NWI National Leadership Award 2009.
  • Liability and Legal. Serves on the Board of Experts for publication of The Exercise Standards and Malpractice Reporter.
  • Gestalt Therapy, New England Institute of Gestalt Therapy, Boston, MA.
  • Founding Fellow American Association of Cardio Pulmonary and Rehabilitation (AACPR).
  • American College of Sports Medicine Program Director® #15, American College of Sports Medicine.

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Research Opportunities

7 Dimensions of Wellness Research Opportunities

In 1990, the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point academic program in Wellness and Health Promotion created the 7 dimensions of wellness assessment under the direction of R. Anne Abbott, PhD. (Professor Emeritus of Health Promotion). The 7-dimension model was the first to include the environmental dimensions of wellness. Although the 7 dimensional model has been adapted and replicated around the globe, no research to determine validity or reliability has ever been published.

We are seeking transparency and support in proposing a Well-Being Study, Thanks you for your consideration!

If you would be interested in working with us please contact us.

Thank you,

R. A. Abbott
1351 Maple Ridge
Amherst Junction, WI 54407
Phone: 715-340-6493
Research Application Cancel
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All material © Copyright 2012 and trademarked ® by Abbott Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.